Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Pill Turns 50

My friend Rachelle sent me the link to this article from Christianity Today.

My purpose here is to explore the idea of having children and whether you should ever decide you're done. Obviously birth control is included in the package, but it's not a subject I feel like hashing out in full. Still, I like this article because I liked following the author's thoughts. She mentioned several things I've been thinking about and we've been talking about here.

Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. The Pill - a medical option for not being held accountable to becoming pregnant when you don't want too, can't afford too, aren't able to take of a child you may not have wanted, and to be sure that when you DO want a child, you can do so when everything is proper and able.

    Does the pill save you from all of the above, no. It's like anything else. It's faulty, doesn't always work when you want/need it too, and can have side effects that make it not worth while.

    While it is an option that makes the woman in control, in charge, and if necessary "safe" from becoming pregnant in a non-consensual way (let's face it, date rape, blind rape, and forced sexual intercourse can happen without any warning), it also allows there to be less abortions, less children up for adoption, and less children born into a family, or a household where they weren't wanted, and resented.

    The fact that medical science has come along way, this is not a concept that is new. In the 1500's animal poop and honey were a form on contraception, and I'd much rather swallow a pill than stick poop in my you-know-where.

    Pretty much Woman's lib made the Pill a likeable product, but for myself, it saved me from horrible menses and hormonal swings that no teenager should have dealt with. Sexual intercourse was not the purpose for being on the pill at age 13. Infact, more than 50% of the woman use the pill for a non-pregnancy related option.

    So... if you consider the options of safety and medical necessity, the Pill is a great discovery. If you consider it a side effect of random sexual encounters without a baby, then maybe you shouldn't be a parent to begin with.

    ***personal opinion from a single mom, who continues to be on birth control for medical necessity.


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